Residential Mold Services specializes in complete mold remediation. Let our experienced staff come into your home and evaluate your mold problem and correct the moisture issue, as well as remediate the mold. For more information on what we have to offer, please visit our services page.
Give us a call today to find out how we can help stop and prevent hazardous mold growth in your home. Call today!
Licensed & Insured
Professional Mold Inspection Institute
Indiana License # F232603, PMI Certification #RMI-74153190321
Specializing in Complete Mold Remediation
Residential Mold Services can treat mold and fix the issues that caused the mold to begin with. If you see mold growth, smell a musty smell, have water damage, or see a wet crawl space or attic, your health and that of your family may be at risk. We can answer your questions and help alleviate your concerns. Give us a call today!
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Our mission is to provide outstanding service, the finest up-to-date products, and knowledge to our community. We are committed to creating an atmosphere of integrity and honesty to the benefit of our clients, employees, and company.